Wednesday 11/14: Academic Freedom in Mississippi Discussion with Brian Leiter

This Wednesday, Nov. 16, 4:30-5:30 central time, join United Campus Workers of Mississippi and the American Association of University Professors for a discussion with Brian Leiter, who will be talking with us about the importance of academic freedom and tenure. Brian Leiter is the Karl N. Llewellyn Professor of Jurisprudence and Director of the Center for Law, Philosophy & Human Values at the University of Chicago and writes regularly for the Chronicle of Higher Education. You can read more on his views on academic freedom here.
Join us Wednesday! Register now, and help spread the word on Facebook and Twitter.
Have you joined your coworkers in signing UCWMS' open letter to the IHL? Together, we are calling for the reversal of their recent changes to tenure and the selection of university leadership. Read and sign the letter here.